Dr Josh Mularella
I enlisted in the US Navy after college and was stationed at Camp Lejeune in North Carolina as a field corpsman with a USMC infantry unit. During this time I had the opportunity to practice medicine in cold weather, desert and jungle locales. After a 3 month deployment to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba in support of Operation Freedom, I finished out my enlistment with 2 years at a branch medical clinic in London, UK.
After applying to medical schools while still stationed in London, I was able to transition back to civilian life with only a few days rest before starting classes at University of New England in Biddeford, ME. My medical career then took me to emergency medicine residency training at Einstein Medical Center in Philadelphia followed by a wilderness and expedition medicine fellowship at SUNY Upstate in Syracuse, NY.
The niche of my fellowship was medical coverage at multi-day, multi-stage ultramarathons, something I remain involved with to this day. In fact I have been the medical director for the Grand to Grand Ultra since 2014. When my fellowship ended I took some time off to get my Diploma of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (DTM&H) in Liverpool, UK before heading back home to New England.
My full-time job since 2015 has been as the Director of EMS and Prehospital Medicine at Cambridge Health Alliance, a community health system just outside of Boston. I continue volunteering at various ultra-marathons around the world and applying all this knowledge to the development of apps for the emergency/wilderness/EMS community.